如果你看到一个代理或客户行为不正常,他们说话含糊不清,等等.—don’t blow it off. 问他们问题,如果他们没有正确回答,最好拨打911来确认.
Bryan Cruze

What About My Liability?

如果你以一种负责任的方式帮助别人,好撒玛利亚人法通常会保护你. The Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code says, "善意实施紧急护理的人对紧急情况期间的行为不承担民事损害赔偿责任,除非该行为是故意或故意过失.”

“如果有人心脏病发作,你拨打911,做胸外按压,直到救援到来, 你不必为发生在那个人身上的任何事负责,” Cruze says. If you take action, though, you may just save a life.

Training and Resources Near You

AED resources, products, and training, aed.com

American Heart Association training, cpr.heart.org

American Red Cross how to make a first aid kit, redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/anatomy-of-a-first-aid-kit.html

American Red Cross training, redcross.org/local/texas/take-a-class/first-aid

Stop the Bleed, stopthebleed.org/training/

医疗紧急情况随时都可能发生——即使你是2021十大正规彩票app专业人士. 看房的客人可能会突然感到不舒服,或者客户可能在看房过程中受伤.

It may take minutes for first responders to reach you. Your help can make a big difference—or even save a life.

Bryan Cruze在成为Keller Williams Flower Mound的一名特工之前,曾担任消防员和紧急医疗技术人员16年. 他提供了以下2021十大正规彩票app,以便代理人员在医疗紧急情况发生时做好准备.

Before an Emergency

Get Training. 科鲁兹说,急救入门课程对特工来说是个好主意. 当地的消防部门或美国心脏协会可能会提供安全课程.

“我会鼓励人们花时间学习心肺复苏术,”他补充道. According to the American Heart Association, 立即进行心肺复苏术可以使院外心脏骤停患者的生存机会增加一倍或三倍.

科鲁兹指出,现代心肺复苏术不需要人工呼吸, which makes many people uncomfortable. “It’s about getting blood to the brain. If the heart can’t do it, your hands can do it.”


Have a First Aid Kit Handy. 科鲁兹说,你可以花20到30美元左右买一个好的工具包,或者自己做一个. 美国红十字会在其网站上有关于如何组装的信息. 在许多紧急情况下,控制出血是可能的需求之一, so create your kit with that in mind. 当你在外地时,在你的车里放一个工具包,并知道你办公室的工具包存放在哪里.

Check Your Office Policies. 科鲁兹2021十大正规彩票app经纪公司在处理紧急情况方面有政策和程序. 他还2021十大正规彩票app在办公室安装一台自动体外除颤器(AED). 你的经纪公司可以申请一笔补助金来抵消这笔费用. 有政府项目和民间民间团体提供财政援助.

During an Emergency

Pay Attention. 通过了解要寻找什么,您可以保持警惕并快速识别潜在的医疗问题. “如果你看到一个经纪人或客户行为不正常,他们说话含糊不清,等等.—don’t blow it off. 问他们问题,如果他们没有正确回答,最好拨打911来确认. 如果他们不太好,你等待的每一秒都会造成伤害.”

Don’t Panic. “Stay calm. Call 911 and get help on its way.” Know your location and how to describe it: addresses, local landmarks, even what you see around you. This is especially important if you are showing a farm & ranch property and are not close to larger roads.

Don’t Move the Person You’re Trying to Help. “If someone falls, don’t try to move them around,” he says. “If they fell, they may have injured their spine, and if you move them, you might be doing more damage than good.” Don’t try to free anyone from a car wreck.

Start Assigning Tasks. 克鲁兹说:“对于身边那些不愿意帮忙的人,给他们一份工作。. “如果你知道心肺复苏术,让别人拨打911,这样你就可以专注于心肺复苏术. Give the sick or injured person some space; ask any bystanders to stand back or help out. Have someone else get the first aid kit or a blanket. People want to help but they don’t know what to do.”